Tuesday 11 October 2016

What Makes A Good Business School?

Business degrees are very popular and there are so many universities and even colleges offering them. The business job market is lucrative hence more and more people are choosing to study business as a good investment for a bright future. But to get the best whether you choose to pursue an MBA or an undergraduate degree, you must start by selecting the best school from where to get your studies from. The right business school will propel you into your business field only if it is founded on the best qualities. What then are these qualities that will make your business school a good and reliable one? ..»

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About Business Directories

A Business directory or business directory is a website or printed listing of information which lists all businesses within some category. Businesses can be categorized by business, location, activity, or size. Business may be compiled either manually or through an automated online search software. Online yellow pages are a type of business directory, as is the traditional phone book.

The details provided in a business directory will vary. They may include the business name, addresses, telephone numbers, location, type of service or products the business provides, number of employees, the service region and any professional associations. Some directories include a section for user reviews, comments, and feedback. Business directories in the past would take a printed format but have recently been upgraded to websites due to the advent of the internet.